Sunday, October 04, 2009

ah, existence

Right now I'm experiencing that particularly blesséd state of being, the Sunday night of a long weekend. The normal feeling of impending doom is lightened, delayed for a 24 hour period. This is heightened for me this evening, as despite *knowing* the whole time that this is a Long Weekend, I had experientially and thus essentially forgotten said detail. So when, mid-bemoanst that I was not going to be able to continue the fruitful work this weekend was yielding on my thesis, blue-bolt like it struck me that this, *this* is a Long. Weekend. it was like a gift from the very heavens above.

But, ay, there's the rub. You've spotted it dear friend, no? The reason for my deep, and I would certainly claim, profound, and, I can only hope, long-lasting, joy at this celestial revelation is not that it gives me time to swan about in a pair of sequinned mou-mous,* delectable beverage in hand, but, rather, spend another day working on my thesis, daunting beast that it is. Those of you given to such projects will understand the miraculous productivity that is the Third Day however - the snow ball effect after the first and second days, where Knuckle Down is Achieved and Thesis Topic is Remembered. Today, today, oh joy of heavenly joys, I had brief glimpses of the Actual Argument that is the Meat Food upon which the Thesis Feeds.

This is dangerously positive. The end, it is in sight. So much of my present and future happiness is at stake in this sensation not proving delusory that I hardly bear trust myself to think, speak, type it lest it prove a brief transitory insanity that leaves me shell-like and rocking forth and back. For, in the current state, I am currently operating on the One True Deadline: the first thesis deadline that I have actually and totally Believed In. All others have been false deadlines, but knowningly false, the 9/09/09 was poetic and palindromic yes, but never entirely faithfully enacted. And perhaps that was its ultimate vice, its downfall, but this, this, oh March 2010, you are the True Deadline, the one in which all hopes reside.

*admittedly, if one is to take, you know, accepted english definitions for words 'mou-mou' refers to the kind of one-piece robe-like garment beloved of Parliament smokers everywhere. If, however, one is to take the definitions that were determined during a morning tea break at a place I was briefly employed at some years ago, the accepted definition of mou-mou is that the term is taken to refer to those kitten-heeled fluffy-toed 'slipper' often seen on a young lady of the house who is also taken to the wearing of fluffy (ostrich feather?)-edged robe around the house. Naturally, it is this latter to which the present author ascribes.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My life: as told by my iTunes library

I’d rather waste you than the money on my phone
I’ll be back
I’ll be lightning
I’ll cry instead
I’ll never be the same.

I’m Alive
I’m Alright
I’m Away
I’m different

I’m going back home
I’m gonna leave you
I’m happy just to dance with you
I’m not gonna beg

I’m open
I’m so bored with the U.S.A.
I’m still faithful
(I’m) so sorry now
I’ve been a bad bad boy
I’ve got my love to keep me warm

I can’t see New York
I can see for miles

I cried for you
I don’t feel like Dancin’
I don’t like Mondays

I feel fine
I feel free
I feel it all
I fought the law

I found noise at ATP
I get high
I go to sleep
I hold no grudge
I know we could be so happy baby (if we wanted to be)

I like giants

I love your lovin’ ways
I loves you Porgy
I loves you Porgy (live)

I make hamburgers
I make hamburgers

I may know the word
I offered it up to the stars and the night sky
I put a spell on you
I really should’ve gone out last night

I remember
I see mama
I shall be released
I shall be released (live)
I shall not walk alone

I should have known better
I still miss someone
I think that I would die
I thought about you
I walk the line

I want a little sugar in my bowl
I want to be ready
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

I was alive
I will
I will
I will explode
I will not go quietly (Duffy’s song)
I will not go quietly (Duffy’s song)

I wish I knew how it would feel to be free
I wish I never saw the sunshine
I wish that I was beautiful for you
I won’t cry

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

I probably shouldn't laugh, I really struggle remember anything about Star Wars, and I'm probably laughing that the bits that she has right.

Friday, January 23, 2009


me, OCTOBER was my last post.

What I do like though, is that every so often I get emails from the blog counter thingy, (lower right), telling me that another thousand people have viewed my blog, but that - according to the stats I so narcissisticly seek out - the only reason that people keep finding my blog is that they are googling "colouring in Jesus" and they find my post about visiting New York because I linked here while ranting about the history of Western Christian painting and it gives me a consistent ponderance as to what they think when it is my blog they find. Well, assuming they discover the link they think "well good, now I have a picture for the kids to colour on Sunday". But personally, I like to think I challenge their whole view of Western art history, the didactic nature of same, and really, everything that's happened, ever.

I hope they get those brass pin things that you can shove through paper and then spread out so that you can make cut out figures of Jesus where the arms and legs move. There are two things I remember from my early days as a Sunday School pupil and they are:
1) the metal chairs. supremely uncomfortable but with an appealing aesthetic that practically made me dance when I discovered the Exact Same Chairs at Tilley's 17 years later and a reasonably loyal - or at least repetitive - attendee of Tilley's ever since, despite hating almost everything about the place.*
2) The brass (maybe?) pins that did the splits so you could colour in and then cut out the torso & head section of Jesus (or other assorted religious figure) and then attach arms and legs, and hey presto, moving Jesus.

* Tilley's is often treated as a bit of a religion in Canberra - not inappropriate, given the stylistic heritage of their outdoor settings - but let me, if you will, rant, because, Oh My Word. The place drives me up the wall. Because yes, they have excellent, if uncomfortable chairs, that I obviously have a very personal connection with, and they have painted their ceiling red, which is always a plus, and they have velvet curtains, also good, and on occasions they have bands playing Canberra which means I don't have to see them at the ANU Bar which always makes me want to smack an undergraduate Because They Are Children And Can't Handle Liquor, and also wifi, even though they don't have enough powerpoints in the place to really make it a generous offer - and I think that's it: they promise so much, but refuse to deliver, right from the teetering brink of the cusp of we were about to single-handedly make Canberra a blissful paradise. Firstly, they set themselves up as a heavenly red roomed cafe where you can loiter for hours and study undisturbed bar for a regularly impeccable classics jazz soundtrack, but then, they can't make coffee. Just to smack you in the face: we have purpose built an ideal habitat for you, but denied you the very crux of the point of doing so: you will wait for longer than you took to gestate, order said beverage, and then we will give you a cup of bitter filth. Which brings me to, secondly, They Charge A Lot, refuse to offer table service, and frequently deliver below the standards of McDonalds. Seriously, I have had better coffee from a franchise that advertises with a clown. You have to queue with everyone in the place for AN INSANE AMOUNT of time, and then they deliver below the very proximity of goodness. Thirdle, okay, that's a typo, that I just corrected, but then had to go back and change because how much should thirdle be a word?, Thirdly, the staff. You order your beverage, knowing how truly awful it is going to be, and the staff give you the "I am doing you SUCH a favour, you should lick between my toes" attitude: if you hate working here so much - and clearly I would, so sympathy, sister (as it invariably is) - Get. Another. Job. At least up until recently, they have been around fairly plentifully. It's not like I think you have a great job and therefore should be enjoying it, but I've done jobs I haven't liked as well, but the point is: you're being paid to serve. So serve. You aren't doing me a favour, you're being paid to do this. In fact, I've just done half your job by standing here wait to ask for my "coffee" and then wait for an inordinate amount of time for you to make the damn thing, so Happy Faces. Fourthly, when you go to see a gig and they make you stand in the rain because they are incapable of managing a system whereby you've paid quite a bit for tickets and you don't have to stand in the street. Fifthly, the staff - bless their arrogant little hearts - don't ever seem to quite know what is going on, so whenever you call them, with those stumbling brainteasers: "What time does the gig start?", "What time do the doors open?", "Can we book a table?" or the brain-exploding "Will you be serving food at this event?" you get a different answer from every member of staff, none of which is conclusive, until you turn up to said event and just discover as you go whatever regime they have installed. Sixly, the imppossibility of keeping the kitchen open for an event. so: a) they are a restaurant. b) they have sold out (because, 6.i, they only put bands on they know are going to sell the venue out, and are still game enough to have that "Keeping music live" banner: long have I wanted to add a subtitle "as long as the musicians have proven their commerical value"), c) they know there is going to be an hour and a half between the doors opening and the band playing. So, in consequence, they offer cheese plates. Which sell out. And then refuse to allow you to bring additional food from the handily located supermarket "because we still have cake". I'VE JUST HAD A BOTTLE OF RED AND A WHEEL OF BRIE I CAN'T HAVE CAKE. I NEED SAVORY CARBS, SAVORY! DAMN YOU."

So whenever someone suggests we have brunch at Tilley's on the weekend I have to make alternative arrangements.

*deep breath*