Thursday, August 23, 2007


Last night I was quite excited, because I got to go and see some live music, and regardless of the music, whenever I get to do that it makes me feel that Canberra is not such a desolate hole, void of all interest and possibility of life within its streets of curvéd death. So I try to see some music as often as schedule and the Canberran Desolation (now there's a band name) permit, because, you'll understand, I'm prepared to put a bit of effort to avoid the "desolate hole, void of all interest and possibility of life within its streets of curvéd death" feeling, because that's just not nice. In addition, whenever I see some live music, it makes me feel less of a blanket-dwelling nanna.

I found out that Agnes Kain were playing at the Phoenix via the Half a Cow email list, so I had checked them out and enjoyed the experience, so was extra excited about the prospect. And I did enjoy muchly, because what's not to love about someone who can infuse the phrase "yellow galoshes" with musicality? Not to mention incorporate the glockenspiel. And it rapidly became apparent that the lead singer is someone I went to high school with, which is still spinning me out, finding out that the voice you'd been listening to belongs to someone you know. Not to mention that those year 7 classes where we each had one bit of the glockenspiel to bash may have actually paid off for someone. So their album is really good, you should check them out too, and ensure that one day I get to do the well when I went to school with her... thing that is such an asset at dinner parties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering about that first support though! How can you get it so wrong?! KM