Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mastercard Commercial #2*

Travel to Victoria & Albert Museum Archives: free

Coffee £1.90

Lunch: £5

Discovering that in the 1940s there was a brand of canned tuna called 'Chicken of the Sea': Priceless

*with acknoledgements to Sarah


Anonymous said...

Hey - I think they still have that brand of tuna in the have to check it out when you get there. Seinfeld talks about it, and Jessica Simpson has been confused by it (is it chicken? or fish? or both?) - two recent pop culture examples of how a can of tuna can grip a nation.
I hope the coffee was at Gunn standards,

Anonymous said...

Frighteningly, if not unexpectedly, in the 00's they still call tuna 'Chicken of the Sea' in the USA.

Anonymous said...

the 3 of us cant decide which of these 2 facts is the worst:

the existance of 'chicken of the sea'
that you have been oblivous to the existance of 'chicken of the sea'?

we will vote and get back to you - althought, just between you and me... its not looking good for you ;)

-sarah (and rebecca and chuckles)

Nerd_safari said...

have you considered the aspect that not only did I not know what it was but that I found out that it existed through archives of advertising from the 1940s, and not, say, through a connection with reality?

Anonymous said...

just thought I would join the bandwagon to point out that "yes" they still have "chiken of the sea" in the USA